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The Client

Kip is a management company of pet resorts and pet daycare facilities around Australia.

Kip’s Objectives

  •  Kip wanted to set up a central process and framework for Google Ads accounts as they acquired new facilities and consolidated existing ones.

  •  Kip also wanted a centralised reporting framework for digital marketing and incoming leads.

Our Solution

  • We set up a Google Ads management process for their various websites and consolidated existing accounts into it.
  • We set up a Google Data Studio dashboard which allowed them to see the traffic source of all incoming new leads, and reconcile new customer bookings vs ad spend to determine a return on ad spend (ROAS).
  • We have continued to work with Kip as they acquire new facilities and are now working on the improvement of core back-end systems to conversion.


Our work has resulted in an increase of new customers monthly, more revenue, and much better attribution of digital marketing spend. 

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